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BIG Sunday

Sun, Sep 11



BIG Sunday
BIG Sunday

Time & Location

Sep 11, 2022, 10:30 AM

Chattanooga, 6611 E Brainerd Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37421, USA

About the event

First, Be Here. We know that many travel for the summer, but after schools start back, we want to have a big push for our church families to start back to church again on BIG Sunday. It will be a wonderful time to get together and back into the habit of attending, if you have not been here in a while. In Hebrews 10:24-25, it is written, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Worship is a special time for us to feel loved and encouraged by one another. So make sure you are here on September 11th.

Second, Invite Someone. Begin now fostering a relationship with someone at work, in your neighborhood, at school, or even someone who serves you every time you go out to eat. Begin now praying for and inviting them to attend with you on that Sunday. Especially seek out an unbeliever or someone who is not attending another church. And remember as regular church-goers, we sometimes fail to realize all the fears a first-time guest has. Do I trust the people I drop my children off with? Will I know any of the songs? Will I sit in someone’s seat? What do I wear? We cannot remove all of those fears, but we can certainly address the last one.

On BIG Sunday, we are asking everyone to wear their favorite team’s jersey. This will be a fun way to celebrate, and it will make it more comfortable for those we are Inviting.

Third, Give an Extra Offering. Churches often lag behind in giving, and then they try to make it up at the end of the year. Why don’t we get ahead and put ourselves in a strong financial position for remainder of the year? This is the other reason we want you to know in advance of September 11. I know this will take some planning, and we wanted to give you ample time to prayerfully consider how you can give. Let me give you a few options to help your thought process.

1.) If you never tithe, this would be the Sunday to give 10%. 2.) If you regularly tithe, please consider giving an extra amount or an additional percentage than your regular 10%. My wife (Shannon) and I have talked, and we are going to give an additional 10% tithe on that Sunday.  We believe in what the Lord is doing, and we are glad to give extra for all He will do.

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